
Fairytale houses

Kremenko LTD has been doing business under that name since 1997. It is a family company in which two generations work. We have been creating mobile Fairytale thermo houses with our modern technology since 2011.

Gallery of fairytale houses

Stories, legends and myths

We invite you to a fantastic journey of discovery of fairytales, making children’s dreams come true – here, together with us you can tell you own story which we will transform into reality. We wish to invite you to discover the fairytale you have dreamed about or a story that is just yours, never been written, never been told… we will make your fantasy come true and build a fairytale house just for you.

Life in a fairytale

Today anything is possible, so is living in a house that looks like one from Hansel and Gretel, house of a princess in the shape of a seashell or inside a tree. Look at some of the fairytale houses.